how to make money on TPT in 2024

how to make money on TPT: Explain in detail


TPT is an online marketplace where teachers share teaching resources and buy and sell products. If you’re an educator or anybody good at coming up with teaching and learning resources, then TPT is a great way to make some extra money.

how to make money on TPT in 2024


They are filled with a teacher who has invested his/her time to write good lesson plans and worksheets, as well as various activities for the classroom. You have heard of TPT the kind of passive income from which many educators are gaining. You decide to try it and thus hope to be able to transform your efforts into revenues.

This situation is very familiar to many educators. While some are earning thousands of dollars every month, most of them cannot even earn a good amount of money. The truth is there are a lot of pitfalls when it comes to making money with TPT.


Here are some common pitfalls that can hinder your success:

Lack of Market Research

Some of the sellers who upload the resources do not even know what the market needs most but they just put up anything they deem valuable. They do not use the analysis of trends, thus they do not identify the most invaluable resources.

Poor Quality Listings

how to make money on TPT

It is an awful pity that even the best educational resources are often not noticed by the audience if the presentation is not good. Weak images, previews, and descriptions put off the consumers, while a strong image, a good preview, and a well-written or spoken description attract consumers.

Pricing Issues

High or low prices affect the sales in the business in that if prices are high, few people purchase the products, while if they are low, everyone will purchase them.

Limited Promotion

Relying solely on TPT’s search engine for visibility is a common mistake. Without proper promotion, your resources might never reach a broad audience.

Inconsistent Product Quality

how to make money on TPT

Offering a few high-quality resources alongside several low-quality ones can damage your reputation and reduce customer trust.

The reality check

These issues are not unique to you. Many of these problems fail to allow one to look beyond the low sales or revenue dilemma and the introduction of such problems is likely to worsen the situation.


Here’s a roadmap to help you turn your TPT store into a profitable business.

Conduct Thorough Market Research

  • What successful sellers do: They don’t just create what they think is useful; they create what the market demands. Before developing a resource, top TPT sellers spend time researching:
  • Trending Topics: Check what is popular in the education field. During the pandemic period, there was high popularity for distance learning material. At the moment, the most popular ones are SEL or Social & Emotional Learning materials.
  • Best-Selling Products: Conduct market analysis on products that are similar to yours and in your category. Open their catalogs, consider best-selling products, read customers’ comments, and try to understand why these products are liked by customers.
  • Keywords and Search Terms: Use tools like TPT’s search bar to find popular keywords. Resources that align with frequently searched terms are more likely to be found by potential buyers.
  • Actionable Tip: Use TPT’s “Trending Search Terms” feature to identify what educators are currently searching for. Create resources that cater to these trends.

Create High-Quality, Original Content

how to make money on TPT

Quality is king on TPT. Therefore, let your resources be informative but at the same time be as artistic as possible to entice the students to go through them. Here’s what top sellers focus on:

  • Visual Appeal: Choose the designs and graphics that look like they were created by a professional. Some other platforms that you can use in designing good covers as well as worksheets include Canva and Adobe Spark.
  • Originality: It is acceptable to get ideas from other sellers but copying the content of the other sellers is not allowed. Give something special, may it be an approach to a normally taught topic or a fun idea for a classroom project.
  • Educational Value: Your resources should be at the right grade level, match CCSS, and spell out the learning outcomes.

Case Study

A TPT seller, Melissa, found her total sales to have risen by 50% after having spent effort in improving her covers as well as making her product previews more appealing. She worked towards developing stunning, colorful covers that could generate the desired interest of potential users and bring out the best features of her resources.

Optimize Your Listings for Visibility

how to make money on TPT

Even a good product will not sell when it cannot be located on the shelves. It is essential to make proper changes in your product listings to fit on the search engine of TPT.

  • Keyword Optimization: Make sure you incorporate some of the appropriate keywords in the titles and descriptions of your site.
  • Compelling Titles and Descriptions: Learn how to create titles that are attractive and informative. The description section should give brief information on what the product is and how it will help educators as well as students.
  • Effective Previews: Offer a sneak peek of your product. Use screenshots to showcase key features and include testimonials or reviews if available.
  • Actionable Tip: Experiment with different keywords and titles. Monitor which ones drive the most traffic and sales, then optimize your listings accordingly.

Pricing Strategy

Pricing can significantly impact your sales. Here’s how to approach pricing:

  • Research Competitor Pricing: Look at what similar resources are selling for. Position your pricing in a way that reflects the quality and uniqueness of your product.
  • Offer Discounts and Bundles: Discounts and bundles encourage more purchases. Offering a set of resources at a discounted price can increase sales volume.
  • Experiment with Pricing: Test different price points to see what works best. Start with a competitive price and adjust based on the demand and feedback.

Case Study

A TPT seller by the name of Jennifer saw her earnings go up by 40% after opting to group her resources for sale. This urged her to realize that most of the buyers favored packages that allowed getting several materials for a slightly lower price than each item.

Promote Your TPT Store

Depending on the organic search only may confine your business’s exposure. Here’s how to promote your TPT store effectively:

  • Social Media Presence: You should share your resources on post-type platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook, particularly. Upload interesting posts daily, employ trending hashtags, and join educators’ groups.
  • Email Marketing: Create an email subscriber base of your customers and notify them of new products, special offers, and discounts.
  • Collaborate with Other Educators: In addition, we have to cooperate with other sellers in TPT to organize mutual marketing promotion. Write blog posts for each other, or else develop a product together.

Case Study

I came across Pins from TPT sellers and one teacher who sells her product labeled herself a TPTer and claimed that her Pinterest technique contributed to her sales by a whopping thirty percent. She always pins her products, gives her descriptions of the product’s keywords, and shares them with other educators to get a wider audience.

Consistency is Key

It will consequently be naive for a contender to expect instant success in TPT. The last is reliability, which is an imperative factor that helps you create a group of loyal customers and boost your profit.

  • Regular Product Uploads: Aim to upload new resources regularly. A steady stream of new products keeps your store fresh and gives buyers a reason to return.
  • Update Older Resources: Revamp your older products with new designs, better previews, and updated content. This not only improves their appeal but also helps them show up in TPT’s “Recently Updated” search filter.
  • Track Your Performance: Use TPT’s analytics to track your sales, views, and conversion rates. Analyze what works and what doesn’t, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Case Study

Emily, who sells her products on TPT, insisted on posting at least one product per week. Within a year, the number of her monthly earnings began to grow, and she attributed this to motivation, consistency, and constant interaction with the audience.

Engage with Your Customers

how to make money on TPT

If you attain a bond with your consumers, then they will buy from you again and even recommend others to buy from you as well.

  • Respond to Feedback: Always respond to the customers who take their time to write a review for your business, whether good or bad. This will ensure they address their concerns while at the same time extending their appreciation for their feedback.
  • Offer Exceptional Customer Service: Friendly comments for questions and offers assistance to customers on the various products.
  • Create a Community: It could be advisable to design a Facebook group or an online forum where customers themselves can discuss your resources, share the experience, and give suggestions.

Case Study

Lisa, a TPT seller, created a Facebook group for teachers who use her resources. This not only provided valuable insights into what her customers wanted but also boosted her sales as the group members often recommended her products to others.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

how to make money on TPT

As a new TPT, you should avoid some mistakes like:

Inadequate Product Descriptions

Don’t settle for a brief description. Instead:

  • Write a paragraph explaining the product’s value.
  • Include a bullet-point list of what’s included.
  • Remind buyers to follow your store and leave feedback.

Neglecting Keywords

Use relevant keywords in the first three lines of your description (the snippet). Research popular search terms and incorporate them naturally into your product description.

Skipping the Cover

Always upload a cover for your product. Whether square or rectangular, choose one size and be consistent across all your products.

Ignoring Thumbnails

Avoid using auto-generated thumbnails. Create your own, showcasing pages from your product. Thumbnails can be rectangular or square.

Missing Regular Previews

Provide a regular preview that shows the product’s content. Buyers want to see what they’re getting before purchasing.

Overloading grade levels

Be cautious with grade levels. Choose the most relevant ones for your product. Too many options can confuse buyers.

Omitting Page Numbers

Include page numbers in your product. It helps buyers navigate and understand the resource better.


What is TPT and how does one make money from it?

TPT is an online service that provides educators with a venue to sell and purchase educational materials.

What types of products are selling well on TPT?

Original lesson plans, worksheets, and classroom décor that are interesting and of high quality are some of the resources in TPT.

What are the ways through which one can set up his or her prices in TPT?

The price at which you put your products on the market depends on the value and uniqueness of your products, as well as the prices of similar products in the market.

What measures should be taken to get more customers to use the TPT store?

In this method, you need to share the store on social media through email marketing and partnerships with other teachers.

How can a TPT seller give tips on how to successfully create products?

It acquires goals of quality, stability, clarity, and adaption to the particular interests of targeted beneficiaries.


It is important to note that you can make money from TPT if you do it with the right strategies and attitude. When you know your target market, develop effective and attractive resources, employ SEO strategies effectively for your listings, and effectively interact with your target audience, your TPT store becomes the source of stable income.

Persistence is key. A key should also be made to remain constant and never stop learning. TPT sellers need to understand that the greatest achievements were not made in a single day. They did not cut corners but instead tried and tested their products to find out the best ways of giving their consumers maximum satisfaction. Due to persistence and the right attitude, you can also earn a good income on TPT.

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